Thursday, June 12, 2008

hands-free driving

Starting on July 1, drivers in California (where I reside for now) may only talk on a cell phone while driving if they are over the age of 18 and are using a hands-free device. I just hope this doesn't segue into a law that requires hands-free devices for eating while driving too.

Anyway, someone's making money on this deal.

Some people (I'm not sure if I include myself yet) might call this taxing the poor.


The Venerable Monster said...

or just don't use your cell while driving. problem solved.

i've been waiting for this law to pass and go into effect for a long time now. frankly, i'm sick of the idiots on their phones out on the road.

avallak said...

It's too bad all the studies show no difference between people's ineptitude while driving and talking with or without hands-free devices. Oh well, at least we can all look like cyborgs with funky devices dripping out of our ears while we drive.

Daniel said...

I agree and I agree

rokkun said...

Might this law convince some drivers to actually START talking on the road? I mean, it is more convenient to talk hands free- and its required by law. I think some people who simply didn't use their phones often on the road because of its inconvenience may use it more often now that they were required to buy a headset.