Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I always feel weird when a stranger I just met and will likely never see again says "see ya later."

I let this dude borrow my pen at the ATM. He said, "thanks, man." I said, "any time." He said, "see ya later." I don't think he will.

maybe my saying "any time" threw him off.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

fixing elections...

I like how the term "fixing the election" is used to describe a means by which one changes the outcome of an election to one that is not actually supported by the majority of the electorate. If the point of an election is to figure out what the majority wants, shouldn't that be more correctly called "breaking the election"?

Also, I think this also applies to fixing cats and dogs, more or less.

Monday, May 18, 2009

green apple...

I like how Apple advertises that they are environmentally friendly by making products with efficient power consumption, and yet if you pass one of their stores after closing time, you'll notice that not only did they leave ALL the lights on but also 20 or so laptops and desktops as well as a bunch of glowing signs. A rhetorical question... Do they really care about the environment or do you just want you to think they're not a heartless corporation?