Saturday, July 19, 2008

because Dark Night was so amazing...

I'm only mildly pissed off that I don't have a free zune in my hands.

So I'm interning at Microsoft this summer, and they were having this summer intern celebration at the zoo, to make up for the fact that we can't throw a party at Bill Gates' house this year. I received the invitation earlier this week, but I didn't RSVP because I was covered in Poison Sumac and I was pretty sure I wouldn't be up to doing anything on Friday night. So only after the RSVP date do people start spreading rumors about how it's actually a ZOOn celebration, and they're giving out free zunes to all the interns at the event.

So I went back through my email, found the event, and accepted the invitation, even though it said that if I don't RSVP by the designated date (earlier this week), I will be turned away from the event. Long story short, my brother invited me to go see Dark Night, and I decided that I didn't want to walk all the way to the buses just to be turned away, and I really wanted to see Dark Night anyway.

So I did...

And it was amazing...

And now both of my roommates have free zunes...

But I got to see Dark Night first...

So I think I might win...

Maybe I can still get a zune for free somehow.

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