Monday, October 6, 2008

official sadness day

Well the Dow is -5.1% and NASDAQ is -6.2% today, which means that you are officially supposed to feel sad. That's right! The industrial averages are nothing more than an official report of how happy you're supposed to be on any given day, which makes today official sadness day.

So if you're feeling a little low on happiness because of the stock market, I would suggest that you head on over to Best Buy because they've loaded their aisles with happiness!!! :)

(Going back to my problem with writing, I hope my sarcasm is obvious in the same way it would be if you heard me saying what I wrote above.)


The Venerable Monster said...

No, I didn't hear your sarcasm at all.

(did you hear mine?)

mersayochan said...

woot, links