Saturday, September 20, 2008

writing isn't as expressive as talking

The human voice has the power to bring words to life, and different voices can even bring the same words to life in different ways. The problem with writing is that the reader brings his/her own voice to table instead of that of the writer. With that in mind, how can I be sure that what you are hearing in your head while you read this is anything even close to what I intended it to sound like?

Anyway, school starts back up in two days, and I have to move into my new apartment today. um... wish me luck.

Oh, and one of these days, I'm seriously going to go on a long rant about Apple's Mac campaign "It just works" is a total crock. I'll have to find something about Microsoft and Google to complain about to make things fair.

1 comment:

rokkun said...

Fair? The goings on in the technology industry aren't fair, why should you be? :-)